You’ve won your first contest! Congratulations!
However, there is probably still work to be done based on any comments raised in your review scorecard in OR. It will contain items that are required and/or recommended before the submission can be deemed as complete or finalized. A submission can only be presented to the client for approval after it has been finalized.
Every required fix must be addressed otherwise your submission will be rejected by the final reviewer. A rejection will transition the contest back to the final fix phase and will cause you to be penalized by OR for delaying the contest. Items that are marked as recommended should be attempted to be fixed but obviously, they follow the required fixes in priority, therefore, if you have sufficient time within the time allotted for the final fix phase, they should be included in your final fix.
More than any stage of the contest, communication during final fixes is extremely important. If, for any reason, you have a question or comment on the review, post it as soon as possible. If there is any blocking issue, email the PM immediately, and post to the forum. The PM will look into the issue, and ensure that the primary reviewer is on top of things. If, for whatever reason, you feel a required fix is impossible, you need to address it on the forums.
Do not just resubmit without the fixes being done, or a comment in a readme. This is never acceptable. Communicate with the reviewers and the Copilot to avoid these conflicts! The more detail you can give, and the sooner you give it, the more smoothly this stage will go. The Review Board is always open to communication; reviewers may have overlooked artifacts or misinterpreted the specification. Don’t be afraid to question the Review Board. Questions and comments show that you’re paying attention and actively involved; without communication, the Review Board doesn’t know that you’re working on the fixes, and can’t clarify their requirements.
The format of the final submission is identical to the version provided during submission but with the feedback by the review board members incorporated. You are encouraged to add a text file or spreadsheet (which is less cumbersome) which thoroughly lists all the changes that were made to expedite the final review. If you’ve met all the requirements, the contest is complete. If anything is not done, you’ve earned a return trip to Final Fixes and will be penalized with a “delayed final fix” warning by OR.